Jeremy Abramson Exposes the Flaws of Big Pharma

Episode Summary

In this Vibe Science podcast episode, hosts Ryan Alford and Chris Hansen, along with guest Jeremy Abramson, explore the realm of alternative wellness, discussing the stigma and simplicity of true health. They critique the pharmaceutical industry, especially focusing on the weight loss drug Ozempic. Jeremy shares his transformative experiences with ayahuasca and psilocybin mushrooms, emphasizing the importance of integrating insights from these experiences into everyday life. They cover the benefits of microdosing for various individuals, including those with dementia, and discuss the emotional and mental health improvements it can offer. The episode also touches on the role of psychedelics in emotional expression, legal considerations, and the upcoming "Awaken Your Soul Temple" event. Jeremy concludes by sharing his positive experience with the "5 am club" and his contact information for further connection.

Episode Notes



The podcast intro (00:00:00) Introduction to the Vibe Science podcast by hosts Ryan Alford and Chris Hansen.

Discussion on alternative wellness (00:01:11) The hosts and guest discuss the concept of alternative wellness and the stigma around it, as well as the simplicity of true health.

Issues with pharmaceuticals (00:03:43) The conversation focuses on the problems with pharmaceuticals, including the example of the drug Ozempic and its side effects.

Jeremy Abramson's journey with plant medicine (00:08:18) Jeremy Abramson shares his personal journey with plant medicine, including his childhood, interest in brain optimization, and experiences with ayahuasca and psychedelics.

Impact of ayahuasca experiences (00:13:12) Jeremy Abramson describes the profound impact of his ayahuasca experiences, including interactions with Nicki Minaj and the transformative power of plant medicine.

Integration and action after plant medicine experiences (00:18:48) The discussion delves into the importance of integrating knowledge gained from plant medicine experiences and taking action to create change and transformation.

Types of people benefiting from microdosing (00:22:01) Jeremy Abramson explains the diverse range of individuals benefiting from microdosing, including athletes, mothers, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to wean off medications.

Transformation stories (00:24:30) Jeremy Abramson shares transformation stories, including the cognitive improvements in NFL players and the positive changes in a young entrepreneur's life after struggling with adderall addiction.

Lion's Mane Mushrooms and Microdosing (00:26:47) Discussion on using lion's mane mushrooms and microdosing for dementia and Alzheimer's treatment.

Personal Experience with Microdosing (00:27:36) Jeremy Abramson shares his personal experience with microdosing and its impact on his life.

Transformative Impact of Plant Medicine (00:30:14) The transformative impact of plant medicine and psychedelics on personal growth and healing.

Legal Landscape and Spiritual Transformations (00:33:19) Discussion on the legal landscape of plant medicine and the spiritual transformations experienced.

Daily Routine and Wellness Practices (00:34:26) Jeremy Abramson's daily routine, including the 5 am club, journaling, and wellness practices.

Connection with Nature and Future Endeavors (00:36:51) Gratitude for living in Miami Beach and the importance of connecting with nature.

Building Connections and Impact (00:37:41) Jeremy Abramson invites listeners to connect with him and discusses amplifying impact in the world.

Closing and Medical Disclaimer (00:38:17) Closing remarks and a medical disclaimer about the content discussed on the podcast.