Digesting Gut Health with Herbalist Kristine Schrak

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Vibe Science podcast, hosts Ryan Alford and Chris Hansen discuss alternative personal wellness and herbal medicine with clinical herbalist and wellness coach Kristine Shrack. Kristine Schrak shares her transition from corporate life to herbalism, emphasizing personalized health approaches and the significance of nutrition. She delves into adaptogens, particularly ashwagandha and holy basil, and their stress-relief benefits, as well as dandelion root's support for liver and digestion. The conversation also covers the therapeutic potential of mushrooms for mental health issues. Kristine Schrak advocates for a holistic view of health, integrating herbal remedies and gut health into overall wellness strategies.

Episode Notes



Introduction (00:00:00)

Ryan and Chris introduce the Vibe Science podcast and welcome their guest, Kristine Schrak, a clinical herbalist and wellness coach.

Do You Have the Guts? (00:00:46)

The hosts discuss the title of Kristine Schrak's book, "Do You Have the Guts?" and its dual meaning related to gut health.

Kristine Schrak's Journey (00:01:27)

Kristine Schrak shares her personal journey from corporate management to becoming a clinical herbalist, driven by her own health challenges.

Understanding Gut Health (00:02:58)

Kristine Schrak emphasizes the importance of understanding gut health and the overwhelming amount of information available on the topic.

Clinical Herbalism (00:04:34)

Kristine Schrak explains the role of a clinical herbalist, including a holistic approach to wellness and the use of techniques like tongue diagnosis.

Adaptogens and Gut Health (00:07:21)

The discussion focuses on adaptogens and their role in supporting the body's response to stress, particularly in relation to gut health.

Personalized Wellness Approach (00:09:11)

Kristine Schrak discusses her approach to personalized wellness, considering individual histories, lifestyle, and nutrition over herbal treatments.

Challenges with Modern Medicine (00:15:56)

Kristine Schrak shares her frustration with modern medicine's approach to her health issues and the need to take control of her own wellness journey.

Benefits of Dandelion Root (00:18:40)

The conversation shifts to the benefits of dandelion root in supporting liver health, digestion, and overall well-being.

Exploring Mushroom Benefits (00:21:26)

Kristine Schrak and the hosts discuss the potential benefits of mushrooms, including their use in treating mental health conditions and the need for further exploration and legislation.

Mushrooms and Their Benefits (00:22:54)

Discussion on the cognitive and immune benefits of mushrooms, including reishi and lion's mane.

Pharmaceuticals and Herbal Derivatives (00:25:06)

Debate on the synthetic nature of pharmaceutical drugs and the benefits of using whole herbs.

Impact of Antacids on Health (00:28:13)

Concerns about the prolonged use of antacids and their impact on gut health and nutrient absorption.

Gut Health and Nutrition (00:29:36)

Discussion on the importance of diet and nutrition in addressing gut issues, and the lack of emphasis on these factors in medical consultations.

Glyphosate and Gluten Intolerance (00:33:16)

Exploration of the potential link between glyphosate, genetically modified wheat, and gluten intolerance.

Organic Food and Food Sources (00:35:16)

Distrust in food sources, skepticism about organic labels, and the importance of supporting local farms.

DIY Solutions for Gut Health (00:37:32)

Recommendations for improving gut health, including cutting out bread and sugar, staying hydrated, and consuming a balanced diet.

Herbalist Kristine Schrak's Offerings (00:40:12)

Information about where to find herbal consultations and wellness coaching with Herbalist Kristine Schrak.

Closing Remarks (00:41:12)

Highlighting the significance of gut health and the immune system, and expressing gratitude for the guest's insights.